Thursday, October 6, 2011


"It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man." (Psalms)

You know, I know I’m not the oldest man in the world but I have gone through many ups in down in all areas of life, be it relationships, circumstances, losing a loved one or ones, mentally, physically, as well as spiritually. But one thing that I know and have seen is that God has never left me. Psalms 27:10Though my father and mother forsaken me, my God has never forsaken me.” Even when I have failed him he has stayed faithful. When I yelled at Him He still has the compassion to tell me He loves me. Even when I disobeyed Him He still blesses my life. When he took me out of the mud and cleaned me, and I jumped right back in there He took me out and cleaned me, for he is “abounding in love and slow to anger.” Now tell me who else would do that for you?

The bible says in 2 Timothy 2:11-13 “…If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will disown us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”
Now tell me where else would you see this! Honestly, people come and go like the flower that blooms in the spring then is gone tomorrow. I have learned that it is better to trust in God than man. For God is an eternal God, a God whose character does not change, “it is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” He never wants to hurt you but rather build you and help you become the man/woman He knows that you can be!
You know it is difficult to deny oneself, to put ones goals and desires aside to take up someone else’s…but what many of us forget is that the bible itself says that God has “plans to prosper you” it also says “delight yourself in the Lord and He shall consider the petitions of your heart.” These are just two promises that God has given, there are Hundreds More!!!

Trust me when I say put everything you have in God’s hand. Trust him with your life, money, soul, mind, circumstances, heart, desires, goals, passion, problems, anxieties, struggles, impurities, all that is good as well as the bad. Trust Him with everything! For He gives strength to the weak, He brings joy to the one who cries, He brings hope to the poor, He rekindles life to the dry bones, He did not just speak you into existence, He formed you. He took time to create every aspect of you. He has given you a special talent, purpose, and vision that can only be fully executed in Him!

Trust in Him! For He is a good God! Ready to prosper you and bless you with all that is in heaven and on earth! All you have to do is trust him!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for your grace and mercy, for you love and truth, for you compassion and understanding, thank you for being you. Help us trust in you Father, with all that is ours; heart mind body and soul. Bless our lives help us see you more and more every day! I love you God with all my heart and thank you for being you! In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!