Thursday, October 6, 2011


"It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man." (Psalms)

You know, I know I’m not the oldest man in the world but I have gone through many ups in down in all areas of life, be it relationships, circumstances, losing a loved one or ones, mentally, physically, as well as spiritually. But one thing that I know and have seen is that God has never left me. Psalms 27:10Though my father and mother forsaken me, my God has never forsaken me.” Even when I have failed him he has stayed faithful. When I yelled at Him He still has the compassion to tell me He loves me. Even when I disobeyed Him He still blesses my life. When he took me out of the mud and cleaned me, and I jumped right back in there He took me out and cleaned me, for he is “abounding in love and slow to anger.” Now tell me who else would do that for you?

The bible says in 2 Timothy 2:11-13 “…If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will disown us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”
Now tell me where else would you see this! Honestly, people come and go like the flower that blooms in the spring then is gone tomorrow. I have learned that it is better to trust in God than man. For God is an eternal God, a God whose character does not change, “it is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” He never wants to hurt you but rather build you and help you become the man/woman He knows that you can be!
You know it is difficult to deny oneself, to put ones goals and desires aside to take up someone else’s…but what many of us forget is that the bible itself says that God has “plans to prosper you” it also says “delight yourself in the Lord and He shall consider the petitions of your heart.” These are just two promises that God has given, there are Hundreds More!!!

Trust me when I say put everything you have in God’s hand. Trust him with your life, money, soul, mind, circumstances, heart, desires, goals, passion, problems, anxieties, struggles, impurities, all that is good as well as the bad. Trust Him with everything! For He gives strength to the weak, He brings joy to the one who cries, He brings hope to the poor, He rekindles life to the dry bones, He did not just speak you into existence, He formed you. He took time to create every aspect of you. He has given you a special talent, purpose, and vision that can only be fully executed in Him!

Trust in Him! For He is a good God! Ready to prosper you and bless you with all that is in heaven and on earth! All you have to do is trust him!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for your grace and mercy, for you love and truth, for you compassion and understanding, thank you for being you. Help us trust in you Father, with all that is ours; heart mind body and soul. Bless our lives help us see you more and more every day! I love you God with all my heart and thank you for being you! In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


 "Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it." (John Maxwell)

 Our reactions to situations really determine who we are in the sight of others and ourselves. Happiness is inevitable when things go our way but what about when things or circumstances in our lives don't go according to our plans? What do you do when someone cuts you off on the road? When you get in a verbal fight with a loved one? When you are having trouble with the rent? When you did the wrong? These are just some examples but never the less the reaction to these determines who you are in CHARACTER!

I am reminded of Job again when he had it all! He was a rich man, with kids, a huge lot, livestock, health, everything! and yet God allowed everything to be taken away from him. His Kids died in a tornado that distroid his house as well as his livestock and land. And yet this MAN said, "Should I only bless the Lord with good? The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord." and not just that but when he became diseased with boils on his skin and used broken pottery to scratch himself he still said "I know my Redeemer Lives."
This was an awesome man, a man who knew about suffering in the personal and could still bless the Lord. That shows CHARACTER!

Or how about the Peter and John, who did not allow themselves to be taken away from what they believed and were convinced with! And when they healed the begger and preached the Word of the Lord and were brought to the Sanhidren and told to stop and yet they continued knowing the truth and were flogged because of what they believed in and they "Praised God because they were able to suffer for Jesus Christ." WOW! That is CHARACTER!

Or how about this? Lance Armstrong was diagnosed diagnosed with CANCER and he did not allow that to bring him down and beat it and won the TOUR DE FRANCE, not once but SEVEN (7) Times! That is CHARACTER!

You see things happen in life not so that you can get down and depressed but so that you can build CHARACTER and help those around you that might be or will go through the same thing. And I dare ask a question! Do you want to run and win a Marathon? Are you willing to train? Do you want to obtain your own business? Are you willing to train? Do you want to grow in life? Are you willing to train?

Life is a training ground for the Future! If we want to be successful in life we have to build Good CHARACTER! Yes it takes time but man once obtained there's nothing in this world that can get you down! Especially if you have God backing you up :D!

Daily Prayer:

Father Thank you for your Mercy and Kindness and for being the PRIME example of Good Character because you never change. Even when we mess up your still faithful. Even when we don't listen, you still bless us! Your a good Father, amazing brother, and the great friend! Thank you and we ask you today. Help us obtain the Character you want us to posses to bring Glory to your name. Help us learn from the Best YOU!!!! In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


"A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position." (John Maxwell)

 What is your vision in life? What do you want to do? Where do you want to be 10 years from now? Position is giving to someone to reach a higher amount of people but many forget that passion is what drives vision!

Even when others don't support our dreams, when others make fun or criticize, it doesn't matter! You have a vision, and you don't need position to achieve it just good old passion and a loving touch will get you further than your dreams!

The Bible says that "Man without vision shall perish" (Proverbs) Every man and woman has a vision in life. There is something deep inside of you that nobody else has. It might not make since to others but its inside of you and its great!

Thomas Edison had a vision, his vision was to create a illuminating electric candle called a light bulb. He tried and tried again and after his 1,000 attempt a reporter came and asked him "don't you think you are waisting time, you haven't got it, it can't be done." and Thomas Edison replied, "I have understood 1,000 ways not to get it." After more than 2,000 attempts he finally figured it out! And because of this His vision has now reached the entire world!

Thomas had a vision, Bill Gates had a vision, Rockefeller had a vision and they all achieved it! It wasn't easy and there were many obstacles but they reached it! Jesus did the same thing, his vision was and still is to save all humanity, and the only way to do that was to give up his life. And yes sir! He did it, that definitely wasn't easy and he himself did not want to do it. He said in the Garden "Take this cup away from me, but not my will but yours be done." He did it because his PASSION was and is still us HUMAN KIND!

Listen to me don't let people tell you that you can't do something! Especially your vision that is inside of you! ESPECIALLY if it will help mankind! Be strong and courageous, take heart and move forward! Get that dream, fill your heart with that passion and move forward like a TANK THROUGH A CORN FIELD! and don't forget that God is there and can help you achieve those dreams and visions!

God Bless You! I hope you have a great day!!! Share this message with others :D!

Daily Prayer:
Thank you Father for these visions that you have placed in our hearts! and thank you Jesus for being an example by showing us how you achieved your vision here on earth and even now! Through PASSION!!! Help us achieve those dreams and passions and help us always give you glory and help us use it for the right! Give us strength, encouragement, life, and help us get it done all in and through you!!!! In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Braver, Stronger, Smarter

"Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." (A.A. Milne, Winne the Pooh)

 LOL! I know, I know, Winne the Pooh? but its true. You never know the true potential that is inside of you until you put it to the test! Either through challenges you seek in life (education, foody, extreme sports, etc.) or challenges that come to you (struggles, obstacles, etc.)!

Never doubt yourself you have a King inside of you! Everyone no matter how young or old, race or skin color, poor or rich, everyone has great potential to become something great!

There are times in our lifes that we fear that we are not suitable enough for that promotion, that person, that ministry, that career. But listen to me you definitely can do it! You can! I remember:
 when I was young I had a horrible freshman year in high average grade point average was 0.16 (nothing to be proud of) but at that time I saw and felt that I was just not smart in anything. I felt that everyone was smarter than me. In Junior year of High School I went to military school and there my overall grade point average for that year became a 3.85! Through hard work and my peers I did it Ever Since then I loved school and have tried to work as hard as possible to reach my career goals!

Do not doubt yourself on the contrary believe in yourself...When God called Moses's to bring his people out of Egypt, all Moses did was bring up excuses (paraphrasing) "God I can't speak! God send Aaron, No I can't what will I say" and all God would tell him was "I will put words in your mouth, Tell them I sent you." God wanted to do something huge with his life but he had so many excuses! You know that God does not see those flaws, He sees the potential inside of you, He sees who you can become, He truly does see you as a king. Moses did finally listen and did what the Lord told him and not only did he see UNBELIEVABLE MIRACLES especially the Red Sea opening down the middle but he was one of the only ones on this earth and all of history that saw the back of God Himself in all His Glory! All because he listened and in his heart believed. 

Moses became brave! Wiser! and Stronger! in all areas of his life and its all because he Believed in Himself and in God! So when those times of hardship come Be BRAVE! When those thoughts come Be STRONG! and when don't think you can do it remember YOUR SMART! and don't forget to "Acknowledge the Lord in All your ways and He shall make you successful" (Proverbs)

DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and then you will see Miracles and dare I say even God in Your Life!!!!

God Bless You! Be Blessed! and don't forget to share this with all :D!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for rememinding us that there is a king inside of us! I ask you that you helpo us take those risks of faith in you, that when problems come to our lives we can trust in you and not freit but challenge the challenge! With our chest out and our heads to the sky knowing fully well that we can achieve the challenge in you and through you! You have given us a spirit of Power, Love, and of Sound Mind not of timidity...Help us reflect you in those times and allow us to see your miraculous hand and see you glory all to bring glory to your name! In Jesus Name AMEN!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (Jesus Christ)

On this day we remember the tragedy of our falling brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and loved ones; but we also remember the heroism of those who by risking they're own lifes continued to help the falling ones, and because of this, also lost their own lifes.

To us it is a loss, but to the forces that protect our cities, rescue the helpless, fight the fires that scorch so many, and let us not forget the civilians sacrificed there lives on flight 93. It was GAIN. They knew the risks, the dangers, and yet did not budge. They knew the outcome of death and yet they gave there own lives to save our neighbors, our family, our friends, our children and spouses. They risked it so that we can have one more day with our loved ones.

John 15:13 says "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Jesus said it point on. In this time of trouble and extreme danger (9/11), which one of us would give up our lifes for a friend, and even more interesting, fellow man who we do not even know as a friend personally. These men and women did not care they saw there fellow man in need. They saw them scared, hurt, and in pain. They saw there families, sons and daughters. They exceeded this love and because of this they are not just considered but are Heroes.

1. remarkably brave person: somebody who commits an act of remarkable bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character

2. somebody admired: somebody who is admired for outstanding qualities or achievements
They gave up there lives with such bravery and strength of character. When these men and women gave there lives...I dare to say that they had the very spirit of God in there hearts and souls.

Jesus suffered a horrible death throught his pre-trial all the way to the death on the cross. He did it for all of us, so that through him so that we did not have to perish in our second death. He did it to save our souls. He knew the risks, He knew the pain He would go through, and yet He Himself said "The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." (John 12) and he gave up his life for us.

These Heroes who died to save others, reflected Jesus Christ's character! And because of this they are Heroes in my eyes and in so many. So let us remember our falling Heroes, let us not forget there bravery, their strong character, their motivation which was and still is "No man left behind!" So today and everyday I challenge you to be brave, have strong character and extend a hand to your fellow man, even if you do not know them because in the end this will be counted as righteousness. In the end people will remember you not just for what you have done but because you were able to touch a person who will talk to the world about you and thus your legacy will be forever remembered just like these men and women and just like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 Have a great day and EXTEND A HAND! God Bless You!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for your love and mercy and thank you for your death on the cross. Today we pray that you bless and give strength to those who have lost loved one on this day 10 years ago. Help them not just remember them as loved ones but as HEROES! and most of all put peace in there hearts and in all of ours in Jesus Name AMEN!

Have a great day and bless others with this blog!


Friday, September 9, 2011

Love Forever, Live Forever

"To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever." (Henry Drummond)

 There is so much to say about love! So how about this "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" (Bible)

If we learn to love not just the people we love but also our enemies, those who talk trash, those persecute you, and hurt you than you are definately loving your neighbor...and there is no better feeling than to truly love your fellow man and being there even if they are not.

It is so easy to love those who love you back, it is so easy to love the people who take care of you, are with you in the moments of lonelines, in the moments of darkness. It is so simple to love the person who gives you a gift or hand, who comlements you on how you look or gives you a pat on the back for a job well done. But how about those who completly take or took advantage of you. Those who cursed you instead of blessing you. Those who hate you and say mean things. Those who struck you or took what was yours. Those who bully you or hurt your loved one or ones...

You life is funny...One of the people that hated me the most I don't know why? Maybe my good looks or charm...(jk)...wanted to fight me. Now before I wouldn't hold back and pop him in the jaw...but this time was different, I learned to love even those who wanted to fight me. So what did I do? I told him, "Dude I don't want to fight you, I love you man!" lol him and all his friends started to laugh uncontrollably! But that action showed something to him. And because of that instead of wanting to fight we actually became very good friends!

Loving your neighbor is at times easier said than done. But check this out. Jesus said,

 "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."

There is a reward if you love all your neighbors! And that reward is being blessed by the most High God...and not just that but you'll live forever free in your hearts and with peace. PEACE I tell you...and that is hard to find now a days.

So love your neighbors even your enemies because in the end they will see the truth and that truth is your heart is as good as not just gold but DIAMOND! :D So lets love today and show people even enemies that we care for them and wish them the best! Who knows maybe that action might change a relationship :D!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for LOVING US even when we don't love you the same all the time. Thank you for NOT GIVING UP ON US even when everyone else can't stand us. Thank you for being FAITHFUL TO US even when we cheat on you with sin. Help us love our neighbor, not just our loved ones but our enemies as well. But HELP US love them the way you do becuase if we love the way you love we can change the world just like your son did. In Jesus Name AMEN!

Have a great day and spread this message on FB, Twitter, and any where else you can :D! God Bless You!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Purpose in Misfortune

"Great minds have purposes; little minds have wishes. Little minds are subdued by misfortunes; great minds rise above them." (Washington Irving)

What Type of mind do we have? Are our ambition small or great, can we rise to the occasion or do we surrender even at the thought of misfortune? In the great words of the Water Boy's friend "YOU CAN DO IT!" Don't doubt yourself, dream, work, and obtain the blessing!

Our dreams, wants, and wishes can be as high as Mount Everest but for some reason it doesn't seem that we will ever obtain it. For this I have two responses: First; God has something better for you! Second; Its just not the right time, YET. But here is the key to ones success and prosperity. Your Mind set.

The way we conduct ourselfs during the highs and lows will yeild a great outcome if our mind set is of gold and strong. Knowing that God is in control and He knows what he is doing. One of the best example of this is Job. He was a rich man but also dedicated to God. He literally lost everything, kids, home, livestock, fields, everything even the respect from his wife. and yet he still blessed the Lord! Job said,

"The Lord gives and Takes, Blessed be the name of the Lord." He understood that in God everything works for the better. He said later on when His so called friends were giving incorrect advice, "I know my redeemer lives."

His mentallity is one that we can aspire to become like or to have. Because of this and His faith in the Lord. Although he did ask God why He had to go through all this and God had to show Him who's boss. (God knows that we are human and have moments of weaknesses but he sees the heart.) God Still blessed Him with DOUBLE EVERYTHING he lost at the end.

Don't be discouraged with misfortune. When things are taking away from you just thank God. Because you'll learn, grow, and obtain something greater in your life :)! Keep a positive mentallity and never surrounder to the negativity of life, but have a mind that rises above it..especially with God!

There is Purpose in Misfortune; to see God in Your Life !

Daily Prayer:
Thank You God for being who you are! Help us be like your servant Job. Help our minds be transformed into a mind that can see the diamond in us bring glory to your name in all that we do, in all that we go through, and in all that is coming. Strengthen our lifes, hearts, and relationship with you and others around us. Help us be an encouragement to others, light to the world, salt that brings flavor to the earth. In Jesus Name AMEN!!!