Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Launch Date of Life Ever Progressing!

Hello ALL,

I have decided to start a blog! This blog will be dedicated towards uplifting messages, bettering one self, God, lifestyle changes, recicpies, workouts, progress, encouragement, and so much more! I have decided to do this because I'm impacted by how many people the Lord has allowed me to touch in every possible way....either through preaching, counseling or the gym, work, and random places! I believe the Lord has blessed me with a gift of helping others reach there goals, encouraging, and bringing joy and happiness in the lives of others....I hope you all are blessed with this blog spot :D

Remember we may not be perfect but by progressing through hard work and even when we mess up learning from it we will reach progression! "Progression will lead to Prerfection" in time!

Lets be positive and help each other out! Don't feel to share this blog by facebook, twitter, youtube, email, anything and Everything! I want to reach as many people as I possibly can and you can be apart of it!!!!

So welcome to this awesome journey! Let's see where it takes us :D!

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