Wednesday, August 31, 2011


"Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." (Zig Ziglar) The right attitude will take you places! Don't be focused in the Valley learn from it and see yourself on the top of the hill! Picture it, Want it, and start climbing!!!! but don't stay there cause there are higher mountains and deeper valleys but each success will take you teach you and take you further in life!!!

LIfe is definately hard at times but with correct training, consistency of attitude, perseverance in what is right, and determination you can hit your goals and so much more! What many people don't understand is that attitude is everything!

In the book of John we see that Jesus walked towards Mount Calvary (which in Aramaic meant "the skull"). He knew that He was going to die, he knew what the pain that he was going to suffer and yet he still did it. He walked towards the place of the Skull...In this he was showing that he was conquering his own mind! His mind and flesh didnt want to. He even told God in the Garden "Take this cup from me, but not my will be done but yours. The Spirit is Willing but the flesh is weak" Even the most impacting human being of all time had a weak moment. He just knew how to over take it!!!

He Knew the truth and the Truth was the pain will Glorify HIM! and through it we will also be glorified!

In hardship and in pain lets try to understand that there is a reason for everything. Lets try to comprehend that with all suffering we will be victorious and we will help someone in the Future!!! :D!

Be Blessed and have a great day!

Daily Prayer:

Father I thank you for all that you have done, are doing, and will do. I ask you today that you give us stength, wisdom, and understanding. The battle is in the mind not just spritually and we ask you today that you help us think like you did, be determined like you are, and faithful the way you are. Bless us today and help us be a light to all in all areas, be it; spiritual, mental, attitude, physical and in all. We give you this day and we bless your name. All this we ask in Jesus Name! AMEN!

PS dont forget to share this blog to everyone you know! lol and I will be posting a new video on youtube on Sunday! follow me on youtube username stevensaucedo86 and on facebook steven saucedo! Have a grat day!!!

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