Thursday, September 1, 2011


"Stand for what is right even if you Stand alone." (Anonymous)

 In this day and age it is easier to follow a crowd than than to be yourself, especially when it comes to what is moral and good! So I encourage you to just DO WHAT IS RIGHT in every area of life. JUST DO WHAT IS RIGHT It will help you progress in life. JUST DO WHAT IS RIGHT it will build character. JUST DO WHAT IS RIGHT it will encourage others. JUST DO WHAT IS RIGHT it will create a radiance in your testimony and apparel. DO WHAT IS RIGHT not because you get a reward (all though life will reward you) but because it will bring peace to your heart!

How do you know what is the right thing to do? Well in most cases it is pretty simple. It is whatever is true and good. Doing the right thing will allow you to sleep, it brings peace to the heart, and you feel a since of accomplishment. Jesus says "be perfect therefore, as my heavenly Father is perfect." but how can we be that perfect you may ask? Job was counted as blamless, a man of integrity and how did he do it. He sacrificed an offering to the Lord daily! An offering of thaks, an offering of repentance, and offering for his family and all that he had. The blood of the shed sacrifices covered all that was wrong. In other words He visited His creator daily to help him become perfect :)

We can do the Same through visiting the Cross and understanding that becoming perfect is not a RIGHT AWAY THING, its a progressive thing! And when we mess up in any aspect of life; be it physically, mentally, towards our family, friends, coworkers, God, teachers, spouces...the RIGHT THING TO DO is as for forgivness! So do the RIGHT THING and change the world! :D

Daily Prayer:

Thank you Father for your mercy and goodness! We ask you today to bless us and help us do the RIGHT THING even if we stand alone! Help us bring glory to your name with our decsions and lifestyle..In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!

PS: Don't forget to share this blog with all :D! Have a great day!!!!

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