Thursday, September 8, 2011

Purpose in Misfortune

"Great minds have purposes; little minds have wishes. Little minds are subdued by misfortunes; great minds rise above them." (Washington Irving)

What Type of mind do we have? Are our ambition small or great, can we rise to the occasion or do we surrender even at the thought of misfortune? In the great words of the Water Boy's friend "YOU CAN DO IT!" Don't doubt yourself, dream, work, and obtain the blessing!

Our dreams, wants, and wishes can be as high as Mount Everest but for some reason it doesn't seem that we will ever obtain it. For this I have two responses: First; God has something better for you! Second; Its just not the right time, YET. But here is the key to ones success and prosperity. Your Mind set.

The way we conduct ourselfs during the highs and lows will yeild a great outcome if our mind set is of gold and strong. Knowing that God is in control and He knows what he is doing. One of the best example of this is Job. He was a rich man but also dedicated to God. He literally lost everything, kids, home, livestock, fields, everything even the respect from his wife. and yet he still blessed the Lord! Job said,

"The Lord gives and Takes, Blessed be the name of the Lord." He understood that in God everything works for the better. He said later on when His so called friends were giving incorrect advice, "I know my redeemer lives."

His mentallity is one that we can aspire to become like or to have. Because of this and His faith in the Lord. Although he did ask God why He had to go through all this and God had to show Him who's boss. (God knows that we are human and have moments of weaknesses but he sees the heart.) God Still blessed Him with DOUBLE EVERYTHING he lost at the end.

Don't be discouraged with misfortune. When things are taking away from you just thank God. Because you'll learn, grow, and obtain something greater in your life :)! Keep a positive mentallity and never surrounder to the negativity of life, but have a mind that rises above it..especially with God!

There is Purpose in Misfortune; to see God in Your Life !

Daily Prayer:
Thank You God for being who you are! Help us be like your servant Job. Help our minds be transformed into a mind that can see the diamond in us bring glory to your name in all that we do, in all that we go through, and in all that is coming. Strengthen our lifes, hearts, and relationship with you and others around us. Help us be an encouragement to others, light to the world, salt that brings flavor to the earth. In Jesus Name AMEN!!!

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