Tuesday, September 20, 2011


 "Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it." (John Maxwell)

 Our reactions to situations really determine who we are in the sight of others and ourselves. Happiness is inevitable when things go our way but what about when things or circumstances in our lives don't go according to our plans? What do you do when someone cuts you off on the road? When you get in a verbal fight with a loved one? When you are having trouble with the rent? When you did the wrong? These are just some examples but never the less the reaction to these determines who you are in CHARACTER!

I am reminded of Job again when he had it all! He was a rich man, with kids, a huge lot, livestock, health, everything! and yet God allowed everything to be taken away from him. His Kids died in a tornado that distroid his house as well as his livestock and land. And yet this MAN said, "Should I only bless the Lord with good? The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord." and not just that but when he became diseased with boils on his skin and used broken pottery to scratch himself he still said "I know my Redeemer Lives."
This was an awesome man, a man who knew about suffering in the personal and could still bless the Lord. That shows CHARACTER!

Or how about the Peter and John, who did not allow themselves to be taken away from what they believed and were convinced with! And when they healed the begger and preached the Word of the Lord and were brought to the Sanhidren and told to stop and yet they continued knowing the truth and were flogged because of what they believed in and they "Praised God because they were able to suffer for Jesus Christ." WOW! That is CHARACTER!

Or how about this? Lance Armstrong was diagnosed diagnosed with CANCER and he did not allow that to bring him down and beat it and won the TOUR DE FRANCE, not once but SEVEN (7) Times! That is CHARACTER!

You see things happen in life not so that you can get down and depressed but so that you can build CHARACTER and help those around you that might be or will go through the same thing. And I dare ask a question! Do you want to run and win a Marathon? Are you willing to train? Do you want to obtain your own business? Are you willing to train? Do you want to grow in life? Are you willing to train?

Life is a training ground for the Future! If we want to be successful in life we have to build Good CHARACTER! Yes it takes time but man once obtained there's nothing in this world that can get you down! Especially if you have God backing you up :D!

Daily Prayer:

Father Thank you for your Mercy and Kindness and for being the PRIME example of Good Character because you never change. Even when we mess up your still faithful. Even when we don't listen, you still bless us! Your a good Father, amazing brother, and the great friend! Thank you and we ask you today. Help us obtain the Character you want us to posses to bring Glory to your name. Help us learn from the Best YOU!!!! In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!

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