Sunday, September 11, 2011


"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (Jesus Christ)

On this day we remember the tragedy of our falling brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and loved ones; but we also remember the heroism of those who by risking they're own lifes continued to help the falling ones, and because of this, also lost their own lifes.

To us it is a loss, but to the forces that protect our cities, rescue the helpless, fight the fires that scorch so many, and let us not forget the civilians sacrificed there lives on flight 93. It was GAIN. They knew the risks, the dangers, and yet did not budge. They knew the outcome of death and yet they gave there own lives to save our neighbors, our family, our friends, our children and spouses. They risked it so that we can have one more day with our loved ones.

John 15:13 says "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Jesus said it point on. In this time of trouble and extreme danger (9/11), which one of us would give up our lifes for a friend, and even more interesting, fellow man who we do not even know as a friend personally. These men and women did not care they saw there fellow man in need. They saw them scared, hurt, and in pain. They saw there families, sons and daughters. They exceeded this love and because of this they are not just considered but are Heroes.

1. remarkably brave person: somebody who commits an act of remarkable bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character

2. somebody admired: somebody who is admired for outstanding qualities or achievements
They gave up there lives with such bravery and strength of character. When these men and women gave there lives...I dare to say that they had the very spirit of God in there hearts and souls.

Jesus suffered a horrible death throught his pre-trial all the way to the death on the cross. He did it for all of us, so that through him so that we did not have to perish in our second death. He did it to save our souls. He knew the risks, He knew the pain He would go through, and yet He Himself said "The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." (John 12) and he gave up his life for us.

These Heroes who died to save others, reflected Jesus Christ's character! And because of this they are Heroes in my eyes and in so many. So let us remember our falling Heroes, let us not forget there bravery, their strong character, their motivation which was and still is "No man left behind!" So today and everyday I challenge you to be brave, have strong character and extend a hand to your fellow man, even if you do not know them because in the end this will be counted as righteousness. In the end people will remember you not just for what you have done but because you were able to touch a person who will talk to the world about you and thus your legacy will be forever remembered just like these men and women and just like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 Have a great day and EXTEND A HAND! God Bless You!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for your love and mercy and thank you for your death on the cross. Today we pray that you bless and give strength to those who have lost loved one on this day 10 years ago. Help them not just remember them as loved ones but as HEROES! and most of all put peace in there hearts and in all of ours in Jesus Name AMEN!

Have a great day and bless others with this blog!


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