Wednesday, September 14, 2011


"A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position." (John Maxwell)

 What is your vision in life? What do you want to do? Where do you want to be 10 years from now? Position is giving to someone to reach a higher amount of people but many forget that passion is what drives vision!

Even when others don't support our dreams, when others make fun or criticize, it doesn't matter! You have a vision, and you don't need position to achieve it just good old passion and a loving touch will get you further than your dreams!

The Bible says that "Man without vision shall perish" (Proverbs) Every man and woman has a vision in life. There is something deep inside of you that nobody else has. It might not make since to others but its inside of you and its great!

Thomas Edison had a vision, his vision was to create a illuminating electric candle called a light bulb. He tried and tried again and after his 1,000 attempt a reporter came and asked him "don't you think you are waisting time, you haven't got it, it can't be done." and Thomas Edison replied, "I have understood 1,000 ways not to get it." After more than 2,000 attempts he finally figured it out! And because of this His vision has now reached the entire world!

Thomas had a vision, Bill Gates had a vision, Rockefeller had a vision and they all achieved it! It wasn't easy and there were many obstacles but they reached it! Jesus did the same thing, his vision was and still is to save all humanity, and the only way to do that was to give up his life. And yes sir! He did it, that definitely wasn't easy and he himself did not want to do it. He said in the Garden "Take this cup away from me, but not my will but yours be done." He did it because his PASSION was and is still us HUMAN KIND!

Listen to me don't let people tell you that you can't do something! Especially your vision that is inside of you! ESPECIALLY if it will help mankind! Be strong and courageous, take heart and move forward! Get that dream, fill your heart with that passion and move forward like a TANK THROUGH A CORN FIELD! and don't forget that God is there and can help you achieve those dreams and visions!

God Bless You! I hope you have a great day!!! Share this message with others :D!

Daily Prayer:
Thank you Father for these visions that you have placed in our hearts! and thank you Jesus for being an example by showing us how you achieved your vision here on earth and even now! Through PASSION!!! Help us achieve those dreams and passions and help us always give you glory and help us use it for the right! Give us strength, encouragement, life, and help us get it done all in and through you!!!! In Jesus Name AMEN!!!!!

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