Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Braver, Stronger, Smarter

"Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." (A.A. Milne, Winne the Pooh)

 LOL! I know, I know, Winne the Pooh? but its true. You never know the true potential that is inside of you until you put it to the test! Either through challenges you seek in life (education, foody, extreme sports, etc.) or challenges that come to you (struggles, obstacles, etc.)!

Never doubt yourself you have a King inside of you! Everyone no matter how young or old, race or skin color, poor or rich, everyone has great potential to become something great!

There are times in our lifes that we fear that we are not suitable enough for that promotion, that person, that ministry, that career. But listen to me you definitely can do it! You can! I remember:
 when I was young I had a horrible freshman year in high school...my average grade point average was 0.16 (nothing to be proud of) but at that time I saw and felt that I was just not smart in anything. I felt that everyone was smarter than me. In Junior year of High School I went to military school and there my overall grade point average for that year became a 3.85! Through hard work and my peers I did it Ever Since then I loved school and have tried to work as hard as possible to reach my career goals!

Do not doubt yourself on the contrary believe in yourself...When God called Moses's to bring his people out of Egypt, all Moses did was bring up excuses (paraphrasing) "God I can't speak! God send Aaron, No I can't what will I say" and all God would tell him was "I will put words in your mouth, Tell them I sent you." God wanted to do something huge with his life but he had so many excuses! You know that God does not see those flaws, He sees the potential inside of you, He sees who you can become, He truly does see you as a king. Moses did finally listen and did what the Lord told him and not only did he see UNBELIEVABLE MIRACLES especially the Red Sea opening down the middle but he was one of the only ones on this earth and all of history that saw the back of God Himself in all His Glory! All because he listened and in his heart believed. 

Moses became brave! Wiser! and Stronger! in all areas of his life and its all because he Believed in Himself and in God! So when those times of hardship come Be BRAVE! When those thoughts come Be STRONG! and when don't think you can do it remember YOUR SMART! and don't forget to "Acknowledge the Lord in All your ways and He shall make you successful" (Proverbs)

DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and then you will see Miracles and dare I say even God in Your Life!!!!

God Bless You! Be Blessed! and don't forget to share this with all :D!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for rememinding us that there is a king inside of us! I ask you that you helpo us take those risks of faith in you, that when problems come to our lives we can trust in you and not freit but challenge the challenge! With our chest out and our heads to the sky knowing fully well that we can achieve the challenge in you and through you! You have given us a spirit of Power, Love, and of Sound Mind not of timidity...Help us reflect you in those times and allow us to see your miraculous hand and see you glory all to bring glory to your name! In Jesus Name AMEN!

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