Tuesday, September 6, 2011


"Nothing will change in your life if you don't do something different from what you have been doing." (E. Perry Good, In Pursuit of Happiness)

Changes in life are inevitable, they will come. But do we make changes in our lifes to break the routine of life? Are we stuck in the same routine? In the heart of Human Beings there is a desire of growth, they want to become something different, they want to change the world, they want a change to happen in the family, physically, mentally, in all aspects...but what are the changes that we are implementing to achieve or obtain that change in life. Think about it? What are you doing to change your life for the better?

In the calling of Elisha, he was plowing the field. How long has he been plowing the field? how many years? How much sweat, blood, tears, and pain did he give and give and yet nothing changed. The same thing over and over. Until Prophet Elijah just touched him with his cloak. Elisha quickly said bye to his parents, killed the Ox and burnt the yoke. (the book of 2 Kings)

He felt a change; We for some reasons keep on trying to see new things in life, we want a new experience or perhaps want to achieve something, obtain something but what do are we doing to obtain it? And I dare ask another question...are we inpiring others to change there lives for the good by touching them (Prophet Elijah)

Changes in life will happen, people will change, situations will change, circumstances will change, thoughts will change, our likes and loves will change, our world will change...But are we changing, is our thoughts, is our attitude, and in our hearts? Changes all for the good. Are we prospering in life? Are we progressing in life? If we feel like we are stuck in something and can't get out lets figure out how we can change that and most of all how we can change it to bless others!

Daily Prayer:

Father thank you for your love and mercy. Thank you for being faithful and true and always inspiring us through creation, your character, and what you have done for us. It never gets old and its always new! I ask you to help us progress in life, help us make the right changes, grow, and prosper in all areas in life to bring glory to your name. And most of all when we obtained what you have for us all and more! Help us not forget who got us there...YOU! and all those you have blessed us with those who blessed us and those who cursed us. Because in either way it helped us build character to reach the place you wanted us to :D! In Jesus name we pray AMEN!

Have a great day and be blessed :D! Don't Forget to bless others with this message share it!

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