Friday, September 2, 2011

There's a King Inside of You

 "Bring the King out of those around you" (Steve Furtick)

Many people focus on the negatives of others...but you as a wise man/woman bring the King/Queen out! Not the fool! In this you will encourage them to continue on and there negatives will dispate because of there increase of Kingmanship in there positive qualities :D!

It is very easy to be discouraged or loose interest: be it in a friendship, relationship, authority, spouse, kids, etc. With the negative qualities, personality, character, or even at times points of view or actions of another. I have seen many relationships fail because of someone Bringing out the Fool and Not the King. And yes I have been at both ends of the road.

The Prophet Jeremiah (in the Bible) called himself a kid. But God said to him "You are a Prophet amoung the Nations." King David was but a boy when the Lord said to the Prophet Samuel regarding David "He is a MAN after my own heart." God doesn't see who you are now but who you could become! He doesn't focus in the negatives or the foolishness of your being but infact "Chooses the weak to embaress the strong...calls the fool to embaress the wise of the world." (Corinthians-Bible)

If God does this to us why is it difficult to do this to others around us? Let us Strive not to focus on the plates your husband didn't wash or the meal your wife could'nt cook. Let us Strive not to focus on the hurtful words our brother/sister said to us because of a personal matter. Let us Strive not to focus on the money our friend or family borrowed and hasn't given back. But let us focus and praise our husbands when they take out the trash! Let us praise our wifes when they make the bed in the morning or pick up the kids (husbands dont forget to take her out on a date!). Let us praise our brother/sister for bieng there for us no matter what. Let us praise our friends and family for whatever right they do! In this you will see that the King/Queen will flurish and the negatives will disapte. And gratefullness will come out, and in that greatfulness the negatives will be fixed :D!

For if God is faithful to you and sees you as a King treat others the same :)!

Daily Prayer:

Father thank you for adopting us and making us co-heirs of your wealth! Thank you for seeing for what we can become and not for what we are now! Thank you for choosing the weak and the foolish and raising them up through humbleness! Help Us treat others the same. Help us focus on the Kingmanships of others and not the fool! In Jesus Name AMEN!

Have a great day and be blessed! Don't forget to check out my YouTube thoughts update on Sunday! and dont foget to share this blog with others and paste it on your facebook, twitter, and any other social network you can! Help spead the news that we can achieve greatness!! :)!

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