Saturday, September 3, 2011


"...Some ppl are like leafs on a tree, they are there for a season and once the season is over they leave. Others are like branches, they stay but when there is a storm in life they break off and leave. But there are ppl in this world that are like the roots of a tree and will help you grow." (Tyler Perry)

There are many types of people in this world, and as human beings we tend to build relationships with others everyday. This isn't bad, its actually healthy for a human being to build relationships. We all just have to be careful of who we give our hearts to.

There was a guy who grabbed half of his inheratance that pertained to him from his father. He went into the city and made some friends that were with him when he had the money, the splender. When all the money was gone and spent, the "friends" left him and wanted nothing to do with him. (This story is of the Prodigal Son)

There are ppl in life that feed off of everything you have. Be it money, emotions, feelings, heart, etc...It's not bad blessing other people with attention, a gift, your ear, or your heart of compassion. But it's not good when others take advantage and bring you down. We all have limits and we all need to understand that we have WORTH. There are relationships that we cannot get rid of. Such as siblings and spouses. (This topic will be addressed in the near future). 

We need to be able to be in correct relationships that will help us grow in life. Help bring the King out of Us. Help us become a Great Oak. Help us reach our Destination! These are the relationships we must seek and when we find them, thank God for them. We must also remember to be that kind of person to others. "A friend love at all time, but a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17)

Find those roots! Grow! and Be Blessed!!!!

Daily Prayer:
Father thank you for being our main root! Give us wisdom with our relationships, bless us with roots and help us us be roots for others! Bless us and help us be a blessing! In Jesus Name AMEN!

PS: Don't get that you can share this blog with others throught your FB and Twitter. Its on the top of this blog! and spread the Word! Tomorrow a video will be posted on YouTube so don't forget to check it out! If there are any topics or questions you want me to address feel free to email me at!